Frank Kimbler

Frank Kimbler is an Associate Professor of the Earth Science at the New Mexico Military Institute. He has worked as a professional geologist for more than 40 years and has taught school for almost 1/2 of that time. He has worked as an oceanographer for NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) and as a mining engineer for the State of Arizona. He moved to New Mexico in 2009 after accepting a teaching position at the New Mexico Military Institute in Roswell. Shortly after moving to Roswell he took a keen interest in the story behind the Roswell UFO incident. His research has resulted in the discovery of numerous physical artifacts from the Roswell UFO debris field area, including metallic fragments, Bakelite like plastic,1940?s military metal buttons, a 50-caliber bullet (WW2 era ?) and compelling aerial photographic evidence from 1954 showing disturbed ground in and around the Roswell UFO crash site. Kimber’s latest analytical work shows even more anomalies associated with the crash site. His research has been featured on National Geographic, Discovery Channel, History Channel, Smithsonian Channel, and The CW Network. He has been a featured speaker at the UFO Congress and the UFO MegaCon. He is an open -minded scientist, does not like secrets and is dedicated to discovering answers and using good science to prove direct physical evidence of extraterrestrial visits to Earth.
In addition to all the UFO stuff Kimbler is a Ham Radio operator, prospector, amateur astronomer, and a treasure hunter.