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 Extra Terrestrial Contact: What to Do When You’ve Been Abducted – by Kathleen Marden


As the niece of famous abductees, Betty and Barney Hill, Kathleen Marden is an excellent, first-hand witness of the effects of alien abductions, both with her close family members and her own experiences. A lifetime of interest in extraterrestrial research has led Marden to write not only Extraterrestrial Contact: What to Do When You’ve Been Abducted, but a myriad of other resources as well.


In Extraterrestrial Contact: What to Do When You’ve Been Abducted, Marden strives to provide an “essential handbook for people who have experiences alien contact and those who love them.” Readers will open the pages to find a wealth of information, including how to understand modern alien contact, how to categorize the experiences of yourself and others, and tips to guide your own self-investigation of contact experiences. Additionally, Marden trains abductees, who she calls “experiencers” on how to cope with the effects of an abduction as well as resistance techniques for future use.


Marden shares that she has been investigating alien entities since 1988 and is passionate about being an “experiencer advocate” fighting for experiencers and their fair and dignified treatment in a world and scientific community skeptical of abduction stories. This book, along with numerous others authored by Marden, contribute to the library of serious UFO literature in an impactful way.

When readers pick up Extraterrestrial Contact: What to Do When You’ve Been Abducted, they’re sure to be intrigues and educated by the information presented. Urged to consider ideas such as an inner connectedness of paranormal activity and a push to empathy for experiencers’ unique circumstances. Another aim of the book is to present a compilation of fact-base and recorded information so readers can fully understand the full picture of alien abductions and UFO history.

Highly recommended for anyone who is an abductee or loved one, UFO researcher, or enthusiast, Extraterrestrial Contact: What to Do When You’ve Been Abducted is a trusted source for information and guidance on the subject. Enjoy this book by author, lecturer, and leading researcher Kathleen Marden, available in the Roswell UFO Museum gift shop and online.

Extra Terrestrial Contact

SKU: 1973

    114 N Main St.
    Roswell, NM 88203 USA


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