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Since the possibility of extraterrestrial life existing in our universe is very probable, being prepared – or at least aware of the implications alien intruders brings is paramount. Alien Hunter: Evidence & Truth About Alien Implants addresses the concerns, questions, and fears on may have. As a result of surgeries done on numerous subjects who claim to have been abducted by aliens, author Derrel W. Sims has compiled the answers to help readers decipher details about abductions and the evidence they leave behind… including details about alien biology. Alien implants could be affecting a person while remaining completely undetected, but this book sheds more light on what exactly that entails for victims. Alien Hunter covers a variety of subjects, including missing fetus and twin syndrome, biologically engineered cocooned implants, and even questions like “Do aliens have implants?”

Sims includes an array of helpful research and experience from years of study, including color photos of implants, what the inside of a UFO might look like, and the different types of implants one might receive if they’re abducted. As the expert on alien implants after discovering them in 1960, Sims draws on his training as a private investigator, police officer, and CIA covert ops to detail necessary information about alien encounters. Studies on abduction victims have resulted in a wealth of information and curiosity about strange, foreign, unexplainable objects that were extracted from their bodies. If you’re looking for a detailed analysis into this phenomenon, you’ve found it in this book.

Follow along with Sims through Alien Hunter: Evidence and Truth About Alien Implants and dive deep into the secret world of alien life forms and the proof of their presence among us. You can find a permanent exhibit chronicling Sims’ studies in our museum and buy this book to take home as a souvenir to expand upon your newfound knowledge. But be aware, once you take this journey, you will not come away empty

Alien Hunter: Evidence and Truth About Alien Implants

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